Atv2 Jailbroken Plexconnect Is Unavailable. Try Again Later

ATV enters perpetual buffering during video (Solution proposed)

Three issues accept been reported in this thread. This tin brand debugging problematic. So I have opened this dissever thread to handle the situation where the ATV stops buffering when playing a film, it's possible to navigate through the ATV menus, only it's not possible to play any motion-picture show at all, neither from PlexConnect, nor from YouTube or other channels.

I was lucky to have a file with which I could reproduce the problem, so I have used it in all my tests. Each test was preceeded by the post-obit actions:

  1. Stop PMS and PlexConnect
  2. Delete PMS and PlexConnect logs
  3. Start PMS and PlexConnect
  4. Reboot the ATV

PlexConnect report form

  • Your ATV model (2 or 3) and firmware version (establish under the ATV settings > full general > near > Apple Idiot box software): ATV3 Rev.A firmware 7.0.3
  • The DNS server assault the ATV (plant under the ATV settings > full general > network > DNS):

  • The local IP address of the device that PlexConnect is installed on: 192.168.i.100

  • The device and operating system (including version number) that PlexConnect is installed on: Synology DS411slim (armv5 processor), DSM Update ii, Python Module 0002 from Synology

  • The device and operating system (including version number) that the Plex media server (PMS) is installed on: same equally PlexConnect

  • The Plex media server (PMS) version number you are running: 0.9.eleven.7 for Synology ARM

  • The local IP accost of the device that the Plex media server (PMS) is installed on: same as PlexConnect

  • The PlexConnect version number. If using Github source and then a fourth dimension and appointment of download (await at the creation date of the folder) and if you lot are using whatsoever non-standard setup e.g. Plexify or a fork. github Baa February/5th 12:00 GMT

The film used for testing has 2 audio tracks, AC3 and AAC, I've ever used the AAC runway for the tests (although the ATV always started playing the AC3 track when Dolby Digital was On, so I had to select the AAC runway during the initial minutes of play).

So here are the tests:

  1. Using PlexConnect from bwynants installer 0.v-7, and setting Dolby Digital (in the ATV card) to On - I've played the film two-3 times to ostend that I could reproduce the problem. The ATV entered in perpetual buffering at varying times (ordinarily on chapter 16 or after). Loglevel was Normal in PlexConnect, and PMS verbose logging was disabled
  2. Then I changed Dolby Digital to Off, and to my great surprise the film played to the stop. I've played it twice, and the "perpetual buffering" problem did not appear
  3. Then I changed Dolby Digital back to Off, this time the trouble appeared
  4. Willing to create a "clean" testing surround, I made a git clone from Baa's repository on Feb 5th ~12:00 (U.k. fourth dimension). I've too set Dolby Digital to On, PlexConnect logs to Loftier, and PMS logs to verbose. Later rebooting the ATV I started to play the film, and to my great surprise it played until the stop
  5. I was really puzzled with test 4, then I went back to the bwynants 0.5-7 version of PlexConnect, and the trouble appeared again
  6. Then I tested again with the version used in exam #4, and this fourth dimension the trouble appeared

The fact is that tests #4 and #six take used exactly the same PlexConnect lawmaking, nevertheless ane was Ok, and the other showed the problem. I'thou attaching the log files for both.

Buffering trouble - Help Needed

I would like to ask the help of other forum members to collect information to assistance diagnose this issue, in gild to find a solution. Only ATV3 users please (exam film uses 20MBps bitrate and is not suitable for ATV2).

Tests must be performed using the same examination video (video, setup and written report instructions here). For each test I need some info. As an example, hither is a template filled with my own information:

1) Test date - Aug 28, 2015
2) Test result - buffering starts at ~01:07:00 afterward offset
iii) ATV HW - ATV3 Rev. A
iv) ATV SW - 7.ii
five) HDMI connection - 720p 60Hz
6) PlexConnect HW - Synology DS411slim
7) PlexConnect SW - 0.5-dev-020615
8) Python version - two.vii.9
nine) Fanart enabled - Yeah
10) PMS HW - Synology DS411slim
11) PMS SW -
12) ATV and PMS connected to same router / switch - Yeah
13) Cat5e cabling (or better) - Yes
14) Special cabling (if yeah pls describe) - ATV connected with 2x tplink av500 (powerline)

tin can't connect Plex Server to Apple TV3 on my TS-251


I have installed Plex Server on my Qnap TS-251. All run correctly. I endeavour to install Plex in my Apple TV 3. I know ( I remember...) what to do, I had this configuration on a Sinology and all works (but the Sinology was also slow...). When i Install Plex Connect, I have an error of Python. I have Python 3.5 but I have the same error with Python 2.7. The error is : "ImportError: This platform lacks a functioning sem_open implementation, therefore, the required synchronization primitives needed will not part, see issue 3770."

Someone tin can assistance me ? I have no idea how to connect or what is to change...

Channels for Apple Goggle box iii PlexConnect App

Hey forum!
I've recently started with Plex and I'm amazed. (really like it).
Now to my question. I'd like to know if it's possible to use channels on the Apple Television set three or if I need an Apple tree Tv 4 then, when the Plex App is released?


PlexConnect works fine with the new AppleTV

Just got my new AppleTV and PlexConnect still works great :-)

I've installed the Certificate ("Send Information to Apple" matter still works and "iMovie Theater" from the Appstore. And so only pointed it to the right dns-ip and .. voila! :-)
(I assume you have an working plexconnect setup with Settings.cfg hosttointercept set to world wide

--- Sad if it was disscussed somewhere else but i could not discover annihilation.

Apple Boob tube Bone update

Hi everybody,

I have a Apple TV 3g with Plex and I'd like to know if we can brand the Bone update of the Apple Goggle box without reinstall everything.

Thanks ;-)

PlexConnectApp (working title) - PlexConnect for AppleTV4 clone

History tends to repeat itself:
- a couple of years back, I didn't know how to spell "python". But with from bang-up thought of DNS hacking and some stubbornness, PlexConnect was born.
- now, until recently, I really didn't intendance to much most "swift". Merely Apple's Server/Client architecture with TVML/TVJS really did smell like out old XMLConverter.
And so it goes: Learning a new language, gathering information throughout the web, hacking stuff together... forth comes PlexConnectApp (working title), with XMLConverter rethought and rewritten in swift, with XMLTemplates translated to TVMLTemplates, without the DNS part, 'crusade nosotros just don't need it anymore.

I would similar to meet that affair fly. Information technology's Open Source, we all know the address:
Feel free to have a look and play around. Yeah today you demand OSX/XCode... but we are all developers of some kind aren't we?
Not sure virtually the distribution model, I guess it volition need to go through the AppStore, at some small-scale price, information technology would have to pay for an AppleTV plus Apple'due south programmer program.

Information technology's non ready, it'south far from washed yet. I even haven't tested it on existent hardware yet...
therefore looking for swift/js developers for code review and issues fixes, layouters and artists for views, thumbs and icons, testers for feedback, translators for the localization to come, a mechanic to fix my car.

Earlier yous exit, let me give a toast to...
- Apple. For - well, you know - their back up with PlexConnect (coughing...), their hardware, but mainly the documentation in the developers' expanse.
- For the groovy knowledge database effectually coding. I had no need to postal service a question, everything was basically readily answered beforehand. Well, near.
- For their nice tutorials. And no, the don't write my paycheck.
- all the other unnamed sources of tips, tricks and hints, sometimes seemingly hidden in the last corner of the webs.

Not to stress you to much with reading: Accept fun!

Plexconnect Result - Error " Trailers Unavailable"

**Hello Team.

Installed a fresh re-create of PMS and plex connect after a PC format. Unable to admission the trailers. Something unusual found when the plexconnect is started. I see too many commands in the plex connect command prompt.

Adding the logs here. Hope Someone could help me out**

Thanks and farewell

Just wanted to postal service a quick cheers to everyone involved in getting Plex running on the aTV3 using PlexConnect, but now Plex have released a client for the aTV4 I'm going to be using a legitimate client for the outset fourth dimension in years!

For anyone sat on the fence, I recall the new aTV is smashing and whilst it does take it's flaws, the potential is huge.

Hope PlexConnect can continue to be adult for those withal using a previous aTV, and cheers once again to those who've helped me and provided back up when things didn't e'er piece of work equally expected!

ATV iii with Plexconnect can't find any library error

When I launch Trailers (plexconnect) it says it can't notice any libraries. It worked simply a few days ago. I am running latest PlexConnect which I fabricated sure to update just in case that was the trouble. I did update to the latest version of PMS (0.9.12.eighteen) a few days ago and then that might be the problem. Anyone who can ostend this?

On Apple Television if I login to my plex account it shows me I have 0 PMS servers online. Which I discover foreign equally when I log out says in that location is 1 server online.

I made certain to delete the plexconnect version just in case that was the problem merely even with a freshly installed version I become the aforementioned fault. I fabricated sure to logout from plexconnect and PMS and so login once again just to make certain that everything is connecting properly. Apple tree TV still don't run into any libraries.

Just for testing I installed the master_backup version from github and when I run that version information technology worked and so I am a footling confused why the old version works but the latest doesn't.

Does anyone take a clue what might be going on?


Plex connect works for a few minutes and and so stops

I was using Plex connect at my home flawless for the past 6 months or and so. Yesterday I gave may parents my apple tv gave and so a Plex business relationship to share my library's with and gear up Plex connect on their windows motorcar. Everything seems to work fine for a while but eventually information technology stops working (i tin can see the script running in chore managing director but the all channels requite the failed to connect mistake) thus making the apple tv stop working with Netflix and the like. I was running plexconnet by renaming the Plex file to pwy extension so it would run without the cmd window. I can't for the life of me figure out what's going on. Whatever help pointing me in the right direction would great.

Plexconnect running on whatsoever jailbroken iOS device

I accept my jailbroken iphone 4s on iOS viii.3 running plexconnect! (Also a mini2 on 8.three, ipad iii on 8.iii.)

Updated instructions for iOS devices hither (tested on iPhone 4S iOS 8.3):

SSH into your JB iOS device (install OpenSSH from the BB repo if needed) then paste this easy 1 liner or fire upwards mobile final on your iOS device and paste information technology using that instead. "APT Strict" or college required (a simple search in cydia volition let you to install it, required for apt-go part). INSTALL "APT 0.7 strict" PRIOR TO RUNNING THIS COMMAND BELOW!

iBaa or Wahlman.j with prompts for desired theme & optional autoupdating plist:

apt-become -y update; apt-become -y upgrade; apt-get -y install git; rm -R /Applications/iosjailbreak; cd /Applications; git clone git://; cd /Applications/iosjailbreak; ./installios.fustigate

Please note PIL (Fanart) does non piece of work using this method...yet (not sure if it always will).

This method is best suited for traveling, yous tin connect multiple devices to i jailbroken PlexConnect host or repurposing an old or new iOS device to be a PlexConnect host. Not everyone brings a laptop when traveling or uses airplay from the Plex for iOS app or other airplay enabled devices. Personally I prefer a remote to command my aTV and find airplaying to cause an immense amount of congestion on any network that I take ever used. If y'all do use this method I suggest to plough on airplay mode and so plough your wifi back on to keep your network connexion on your iOS device alive even if your iOS device has its screen locked.

Plexconnect suddendly stopped working

Ok this is quite strange. I really can't explain this. Today i was enjoying my Plex on AppleTV with Plexconnect configured on wall street journal, when i left the room for a couple of hours. Everything worked not bad since one.five years. When i came back i saw a new Wall Street Journal icon (WSJ Video) and when i click it i'thousand sent to the real wall street journal aqueduct.

What happened?

I'm the simply one?

i run plexconnect with openplex on a mac mini, simply i haven't done anything since last time information technology worked...

cheers to anyone...

PlexConnect RPM for Linux (RedHat/CentOS)

I've put together a RPM for PlexConnect, which I promise some of you can utilize!

The parcel includes:

  • PlexConnect configuration file for dnsmasq
  • PlexConnect configuration file for httpd
  • PlexConnect configuration file for nginx
  • PlexConnect init script
  • PlexConnect log rotation (high output)
  • PlexConnect sysconfig configuration file
  • PlexConnect spec file
  • Certificates for
  • Certificates for
  • A modified Settings.cfg

Every fourth dimension you build the package, it'll pull down the latest sources from the PlexConnect git repository.

After you build and install the parcel, y'all can update PlexConnect periodically by executing: service plexconnect update

Plexconnect Stops Working after Computer Restart

I've had this trouble a couple times in the last week or so. Plexconnect works just fine until i restart my figurer. Then I can't become anything working for my appletv's to connect.

If I restart the aTV it boots and only shows me computers and settings. If I become to settings, modify my DNS to automated, everything works (every bit it should, no plex obviously). If I so change information technology dorsum to my comp'south ip it all shows up but when I attempt to open trailers it simply sits in that location loading and nothing happens. Concluding time I had to recreate the certificates and ready both apple tv set'southward again.

Is at that place something I'1000 missing? what would crusade the computer to do this on a restart? I've checked and the plex-connect service is running.

No servers found - Resolution Error

Hi All,

Can someone help me out hither.

I have setup a new Lubuntu server fifteen.10 and have everything installed correctly as far as i tin can see, however i am getting the following mistake in the logs when i attempt to access the server

21:55:twenty PlexAPI: Servers (local, plex.goggle box, MyPlex): ane
22:00:26 PlexAPI: ***
22:00:26 PlexAPI: poke - request Plex Media Server listing
22:00:26 PlexAPI: ***
22:00:42 PlexAPI: No Response from Plex Media Server
22:00:42 PlexAPI: We failed to reach a server. Reason: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in proper name resolution
22:00:42 PlexAPI: Traceback:
Traceback (near recent telephone call last):
File "/usr/lib/PlexConnect/", line 406, in getXMLFromPMS
response = urllib2.urlopen(asking, timeout=20)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 154, in urlopen
return, information, timeout)
File "/usr/lib/", line 431, in open
response = cocky._open(req, data)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 449, in _open
'_open', req)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 409, in _call_chain
result = func(*args)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1240, in https_open
File "/usr/lib/python2.vii/", line 1197, in do_open
raise URLError(err)

22:00:42 PlexAPI: Servers (local,, MyPlex): 1
22:01:21 PlexConnect: Shutting downwards.
22:01:21 WebServer: Shutting downwardly (HTTPS).
22:01:22 WebServer: Shutting down (HTTP).
22:01:23 DNSServer: Shutting down.
22:01:23 PlexConnect: shutdown

ALAC DirectPlay

After some years of "resistance" I'm trying to evaluate Plex for music, at present that Plex has been enhanced and playlist back up was fabricated available) but I accept a problem. Plex plays (DirectPlay) mp3'due south simply tries to transcode alac'south and my server cannot transcode. But alac's are supported natively by the ATV (I've been using Synology Audio Station without problem).

Probably this could be solved past irresolute the Plex contour (I don't know how, if someone could ship me a working profile information technology would exist superb), simply I'm wondering why I tin state in PlexConnect to force DirectPlay and this only applies to videos, and not to music files. Can this be changed ?

Moving certificates from a MAC to Windows

I have read that you can move the cert files from MAC to MAC just what about MAC to Windows PC? I have problems with the hackintosh I have plexconnect and openplex on and am moving everything over to a virtualized PC. Can I only install python, pillow, and plexconnect to the pc. Then copy the existing cert files to the PC. Finally create a new profile in the ATV to apply that ip address and cert? Then I wouldn't need to generate certificates on the PC.

How to use iMovie Theater instead of the Trailers app

With plexconnect newer than 20. Nov 2013:

  1. Follow the tutorial here: to install the certificate,
    but in the starting time control supervene upon "" with "". (You can have both certificates installed).
  2. Edit your "Settings.cfg" file:
    hosttointercept = world wide                

    Enter:                  for the iMovies Theater App              for the Trailers App. (default)   for the WSJ App.

OLD Instructions:


I consider this instructons to be quite hard, and then unless you lot know what you are doing keep using the Trailers app. :-)

  1. Follow the tutorial here: to install the certificate,
    only in the showtime command replace "" with "world wide". (You lot can accept both certificates installed).
  2. Edit "" and supercede "" with "" (at line 69). It should wait like this:
                        param['HostToIntercept'] = ''                  
  3. Edit "", find this function (about line 145)
                        if basename in ("awarding.js", "main.js") or \                    basename.endswith(".js") and dirname == '/js':                     if basename == "main.js":                         basename = "awarding.js"                  

    and supplant it with this:

                        if basename in ("awarding.js", "main.js", "javascript-packed.js") or \                    basename.endswith(".js") and dirname == '/js':                     if basename == "main.js" or basename == "javascript-packed.js":                         basename = "application.js"                  

     (in Python the construction and the leading space characters in front of the code line are relevant)

  4. Restart your Apple tree Boob tube to flush the DNS Cache.
    There yous go ... :-)

Every bit far as i can tell right now this patch doesn't affect Whatever other functions of the Apple Tv set.
- Not afflicted apps: Movie & Idiot box Rentals, iTunes Radio, Dwelling Sharing, Apple Special Event, iCloud Photos, Podcast, Radio

- Not afflicted functions: iCloud Sign in/out (+Terms of Conditions), Activation, iPhone Remote, iTunes Sign in/out

EDIT: fixed for plexconnect from today 12. November 2013

EDIT2: added the compatibility test part.
EDIT3: updated: the modifications are at present office of the code

Why not share certificates instead of generating them

Today I moved my plexconnect from my hackintosh to a virtual pc. To make information technology easy I copied the certificates over to the new pc. Information technology works corking. So I'k wondering, why generate them instead of everyone sharing them? I want to change to the iMovie icon instead of trailers and the only thing holding me back is I struggle generating the certificates the commencement time around.


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